Autor: Katzryna Żychska

Saint Nicholas’ Day

Today is Saint Nicholaus’ Day. Most of the children were waiting impatiently for this day.  We have already got some presents at school. Maybe there are some more waiting at home? Obchodzimy dzisiaj dzień...


W marcu odbyło się pierwsze Szkolne Dyktando z j. angielskiego. Konkurs obejmował dwie kategorie wiekowe: klasy II-III oraz klasy IV-VI, a wzięło w nim udział 30 uczestników. Wyniki dyktanda prezentują się następująco: klasy II-III...


Many of you may get a feeling that Spring is really lazy this year. We had to wait for it for a long time. Unfortunately it is cold and cloudy. It often rains and...

Women’s Day

8th March is a special day for ladies all over the world. They receive flowers, sweets and other gifts. Man usually do everything they can to make them feel happy. Boys at our school...

Works of Art

Many students of our school participate in additional classes and projects. New project: „My bedroom”. Let me present projects titled Toy Shop.   Wielu uczniów naszej szkoły bierze udział w dodatkowych zajęciach i projektach....

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world. Today at our schools many students received their Valentine’s cards what made them really happy. They were walking in the corridors trying to find authors of...

Christmas Tree – the results

First of all, I would like to thank all of the students for their participation in the contest. Your works were creative and original, and each made with a different technique. Once again you...

Christmas Tree – konkurs świąteczny

Ogłaszam konkurs dla klas 1-3 na najpiękniejszą choinkę. Technika wykonania dowolna – farby, pastele, wydzieranka, wyklejanka, kolarz… i inne. Ocenie podlegać będzie samodzielność wykonania pracy oraz kreatywność i estetyka wykonania. Proszę, aby na pracy...